
Something I'm used to


06-04-2013, 12:25 AM
Midnight trotted to catch up with the male her tail swishing behind her and shrugged she could not really explain why she was here, she supposed she had just given up, she could not remember the last time she had had a proper nights sleep without bears and darkness invading it. Tonight she just hadn't bothered even trying to sleep, ?just thought i'd do some hunting before true winter hit,? she replied golden eyes flicking over to see if her had bought her explanation or if she would have to think up a better reason before tracking back to the snow before her watchful for ice patches which could easily send her tumbling back down the hill. ?it seems we can always to with more food what with so many hungry bellies to feed,especially the pups? she had never seen so many pups in one place not before coming to Glaciem, she wondered sometimes how a pack in such hard conditions could possibly raise so many young, she smiled to herself as she thought of the few that she had met so far, she had almost forgotten at this point that they where being tailed the ridge of the hill rose up before her and she paused for a moment looking up at the cloudy sky with only a few stars peeking through and gave a sigh before looking down into the valley. The lemmings appeared to have recovered from her earlier attack and where darting once more between their burrows screaming at each-other in squeaky little voices. Quickly she lowered herself closer to the ground trying to hide in the dark shadows, she would wait for the male to decide what would be done and how this hunt would play out. Lemmings where really a solitary hunt but hey anything was more fun with two and there were certainly plenty of burrows here.