
Ill be your motivation


3 Years
07-15-2014, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2014, 09:24 PM by Aeron.)
She did not want to talk about it - that did not surprise him. But she did not confirm or deny that she had wanted him despite the hurt she had felt at the meeting. As she pressed against him, he would do his best to shield her from her own panic, letting their fur tangle as their sides met. All the while doing his best not to revel in the feeling of her beside him. Surely, he was the only one feeling the sparks, if she had someone to feed her physical desires. But she had seemed to need someone, need him while seeking him out. She had come to him - and how badly he wanted to deliver. "Vas 'e that bad a lover? He would coo his inquiry, a touch of mischeif to his words. Sibelle was a beautiful woman, she could have as many lovers as she wanted. But it was odd, that so soon after she would come to him with such need. Aeron would blame the other brute's inadequacy before he thought that Sibelle, for a moment, had actually wanted him instead.

"Vhatever you need, Sibelle - I am yours." His voice would hint at his own desires, and he would nuzzle her affectionately, his blood singing within his chest. She had claimed him without knowing, and unfortunately the man was as empty as he had ever been. Nothing to give - only now, he was well versed in the knowledge. "You only need to tell me vhat you vant." He did not quite need commands - but he would not act without consent. Not when he was so jealous that he could hurt her, not when he could become something someone that she regrets.