
Ignazio "Drago"



07-15-2014, 11:54 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Dr. Snakes.
How did you get here?: Still magic.
Age: Twenty.

Character's Name: Ignazio "Drago" Jeovanni
Age: Five years.
Season of Birth: Spring.
Adult Height: 36"
Appearance Description:
Drago holds a medium-large build, being somewhat tall. He has thick, sturdy bones that support a somewhat lean - in comparison - build. Years spent doing light training has given him a strong neck, strong shoulders, and powerful legs. He does not have an overly intimidating look, but he certainly looks able to hold his own. The male's head is large, with a short and wide muzzle. Ignazio carries himself loosely, with a spring in his step and an ever-present smile on his face. His yellow eyes seem to radiate kindness. All in all, despite his large build and dangerous name, he seems to act as a soft, harmless teddy bear.

The large male is a mostly light russet-orange color. The foxy-looking color paints over the top half of Drago's head and face, including his ears, and covering his entire body aside from on top of his shoulders, underneath his neck, chest, underbelly, under his tail, and his toes on each front paw. Aside from a strip of silver on the top of his shoulders, running from his nose to the top of his forehead, and a strip running underneath his eyes and along his cheek, every other part that isn't the light russet color is a dark grey, almost black color. This gives Drago a handsome, somewhat distinguished appearance. His dark tipped toes even make him seem puppish.
Proof of Purchases: N/A.