
light my fire


07-16-2014, 01:45 AM

Her words felt like water across his fur and for a moment he would dip in, closing his eyes against their cool sensation. When he opened his eyes again she was moving back towards him, smile devilish and holding so many promises. Oh those promises that he wanted nothing more then to indulge in. "Now what?" Her words would once again wash over him and he would lean backwards against the wave of them, feeling their pressure. A smile would remain plastered on his lips, easy going and boyish. "All you can do is feel it. Just let it pull you under?" His words were soft, he could feel the silk of them brush agains the tongue and he fought against the urge to snap after them and attempt to grab them again. He would begin to lean back again, though this time it wasn't because of her words. He felt a pressure building, the light growing until it completely pushed him over. He fell heavily onto his back with a grunt and then a giggle, forepaws pulling into his chest as he finally looked up to Sibelle. He couldn't speak, didn't want to let the delicious words slip past his tonuge but he hoped his eyes would say it all. 'Can you feel it?' He would giggle again, skull flopping back as his eyes drank in the lights that began pulsating around him.
