
Strength and Weakness



5 Years
07-16-2014, 06:11 AM

Their affections were unabashed as he brought himself near to her, his thoughts not on the possibilities of getting caught. He knew though, that his sweet mate would need to tell her family soon. He didn't want to be sneaking behind their backs, and it was joyous news was it now? After all of the loss the pack had suffered as of late they deserved to celebrate a wedding, right? He would leave the telling up to her though, whenever she was ready he would be there to back her up. He also needed to tell her about the run in with her father, the timing hadn't really been right yet, but he'd get there.
His punishment was almost over, and with it he would earn Dutiron's respect, albeit rather slowly. With the pack hunt though, he would look forward to impressing him even more. He hoped. He really had no idea how her parents would react to finding out the two were now a couple. Still, he would try not to think about such times, the uncertainty was too much for him to handle.
Novella's form would fit under his chin easily, comfortably, and perfectly. There wasn't another place he could have imagined being than right there with her. It would be hard if she decided that her parents needed to wait longer, he didn't want to spend his nights away from her. Sharing her den while her parents were still in the dark seemed like a disaster waiting to happen. He would hear her scoff at his comment, a little chuckle falling from his lips "I couldn't tell with the exuberant greeting," he'd continue to nuzzle her, obviously not having enough of her that day would stall his intentions greatly. "What have you been doing today?"


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