
We could flood the streets

Novel i


8 Years
07-16-2014, 08:05 AM

She would really wonder what Novella was thinking, now and when she had let the boy into her life. It certainly seemed like pregnancy had not been the end goal of their coupling, still she wouldn't let Novella deny what had happened, because now it was becoming ever more plainly obvious that it had. And under her roof! Of course she would want to blame Frith for defiling her daughter, but something told her that this was no one man show. Novella's words would back that suspicion up rather well, "I love him. And he loves me." Her expression would harden a bit as she took in a deep breath, getting angry now would not help the situation in the least. Still, they had been so secretive, it was obvious Novella knew what she'd done had been wrong. She'd only known the boy for half of a season! Well, you are old enough to make your own decisions. You are the one that will live with the consequences." She had no doubt that Novella wouldn't want the pregnancy terminated, though were she to suggest it Novel would shoot her down. She created these babies, she was going to raise them if she liked it or not. "You can be certain that I wont be the one to tell your father." Obviously the doubt of there being children in her womb was gone completely. "And I don't like that you didn't tell me. Do I get to congratulate you first?" Had she told anyone else of their new relationship? Though she was still disappointed in the girl, all she really wanted was her daughter's happiness. As the words had left her lips Novel would come closer, wanting to embrace her daughter, and blossoming mother.