
We could flood the streets



5 Years
07-16-2014, 08:41 AM

Novella was trying to avoid looking at her mother, though still would notice as the gaze hardened slightly. Worry would wash over the young Destruction now, her mother wasn't happy and she could only wonder what trouble would come next. She braced herself for another telling off like the one she had received when Novel had first met Frith though to her surprise the voice that followed remained rather level, there was no shouting instead an acknowledgement that she wasn't a child. Honestly she felt like one in that moment, and of course had done as well the last time her mother had actually told her off. Still she would sit quietly though, certain that Novel hadn't finished yet.

Sure enough more words would follow and with each part it seemed more and more obvious that her mother thought she was pregnant. She was going to have children. It was still daunting though her thoughts would lie in line with her mothers, terminating the pregnancy was something that hadn't occurred to her though she likely would have been rather disapproving of the idea if it was suggested. It was fair, though she certainly wished there was another way around it, as with her own mixed emotions she wasn't sure she quite liked the idea of telling her father. At least she would have a little time to prepare before hand, not be put on the spot like she was now though she still had no idea how Dutiron would react to the news and that thought did worry her.

Ears and eyes would lower again as Novel mentioned her dislike of not having found out before. Honestly she had planned on telling them, she certainly hadn't wanted to keep the relationship a secret though the thought of her parents reactions had worried her. Karma had made sure to pay her back for that doubt though it seemed, giving her an even bigger thing to worry about telling them, and Frith, how would he react to the news?

Those final words however, the question on congratulations and the step forward to embrace her would comfort her slightly. "Yes. And I did want to tell you and dad first." Novella responded and it had been the truth, though of course there had been the temptation to speak to Satu about it first. She certainly wouldn't tell her mother that though. "I was just a little scared to say anything though, after the way you both reacted before. I know you only saw him as a stranger then but I guess I was just a bit worried that I might get him into more trouble." She explained, it sounded pretty stupid now given her new situation. "I suppose I did a great job of avoiding that risk though." She would add, words laced with sarcasm.

A small sigh would sound and she would withdraw from her mother's embrace now, mismatched eyes seeking her chocolate ones for the first time. "I'm scared." She whispered. "I don't know what to do." She felt a little foolish confirming this fact, especially after her mother had pointed out she had to deal with the consequences. She would do so of course, and was sure she would have her family to support her once they'd all gotten over the shock but she still needed it confirmed now, her mother's word that she would have help, that things one way or another would be ok. Never had she had such responsibility before and although they were barely growing, she was already a little worried that she was going to let these children down.