
In Disbelief, I Didn't Know (EBONY)

Katja the First


8 Years
07-16-2014, 10:27 AM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2014, 10:29 AM by Katja the First.)

Katja's gaze roved over the group. Many were upset; some seemed unaffected. She had business to finish in this meeting, but she would make it quick to give them time to process and recover from the shock. It was business that had long been planned, and perhaps the new duties would keep their minds occupied. "Few in numbers are we, with many younglings. Many of our younger wolves are ready to begin training and will each be assigned a teacher to guide them in their learning, until that mentor does deem them fit to join the ranks as full members. Maximous, as our only healer fit for duties at the moment," her eyes touched on Adelaide for a moment, unapologetic but nonjudgmental, "you will be training as well Kassander, Lior, and Sindri with your current pupil. Anais and Kailos will train under Tahlia for now. Baldur," her gaze shifted to the newest recruit, "I would have you train Jakart and Nako." It would be a good way to integrate him into the pack, to prove himself, and the two older boys would benefit from learning from a new teacher. "I will take Sigmarr as my apprentice, and Vaughan... I would have you train Svetlana in what she will need to know as heir." Hajime would, of course, need to concentrate on his own pups' early training, so he would be left out of the mentor list, as would Ares and Devya. "If you are to be needing anything at all do not hesitate to come to me."

With that, the meeting was clearly at an end, and she signaled their dismissal by hopping down from the rock she'd taken as her perch.

(OOC: If I didn't respond to something from someone I'm sorry, I just wanted to end the meeting and be done with it. I know some things have obviously changed since the meeting started, specifically Svet and Vaughan, Hajime and his kids, and Sindri, but this is the way it was planned to go from the start and was delayed by the other meeting so just make adjustments for that. And this meeting is finally, officially done. I would ask that next time people be more prompt in replying to meetings so they don't drag on so long, and there will be IC consequences for lack of participation from now on. Mentoring, I'm not going to require a certain number of training threads but I'd like there to be some in addition to the group training threads. People need to get active or, again, there will start being consequences.)