


07-16-2014, 11:23 AM

Most all would come, at least all that she knew and many that she did not. Each would be greeted with smiles and nods, sometimes a murmured warm welcome but it was only Desiree who would capture her full attention. The purple woman swept onto the scene with that natural grace and for a moment Vi was torn, terrified even. What is she was not forgiven, what of this was all for show? But the purple queen would slip to her side and lean into it languidly. Was that forgiveness? Vi would sigh, eyes closing briefly before she would return to smiling and nodding to all. Even Svan had ventured from her new home for this... More and more would gather, many faces she did not know. Rune and his wife and children would come, her own children as well. The strangest one was a lion. Yes ladies and gentlemen... A freaking lion rolled up, moving forward and asking to speak to Vi later. Uuuhhh... What? She would nod numbly in response, wondering briefly if she would get eaten and then Crucifix would come. She had only spoken to him briefly but she had shared his words with Sibelle. The tension was evident and Vi would shift uncomfortably as it grew up until Sibelle finally made her move. Demanding to challenge for his rank. Whispered words were shared after that, spoken softly but some would slip towards the red queen. He had thought of raspberries not of Vi. Lying son of a bitch... Lips would curl in disgust, oh yes... She was very much done with his filth hide. But she would remain at her wife's side, simply and observer in all this. Allowing it all to play out. For now.

Finally they would depart and more would come, more known and unknown faces trickling in now after the flood. After a moment she would sigh then speak. "I apologize for that, but let us move on. Welcome all, I have yet to meet each of you, I assume some have come during Crucifix's rule and I wish to meet with each of you some day soon. For those who do not know me I am Viridiana Sovari, half if the ruling party that leads this pack. This is my wife Desiree Caramel." She would pause her, motioning to Desiree who would hopefully remain at her side after the whole ordeal. "First off an explanation. As some of you may know I challenged for Valhalla not too long ago and won. It was done for two reasons. The first being... They are the reason my nephew is dead, their ruling family were the ones to kill them and though I do not know who specifically I had every wish to destroy their family as they did mine... It was personal. It was a family matter. Secondly, though I did not realize this until just recently, we do not have the hunters to support our growing pack. Nor do we have the land. I have claimed more land, the caves south of us but soon it may not be enough. Soon we at ask for volunteers to move to Valhalla but no one will be for ably ejected from a pack they have come to call home." Valhalla was covered as was overpopulation.

Fuck... What was next? "As some as you may have noticed I am not exactly at fighting shape. For the time being Desiree will be taking over station as primary alpha, if she would accept...?" Gaze would turn to her wife, a small smile touching her lips. They had not discussed this but Vi felt confidant in this decision. As much as she hated the idea of her wife being a target and having to protect the pack Vi had full confidence in her.

Her mind was stuck on Crucifix and Sibelle, their argument and talk and what Vi I wanted to shriek at his pathetic face. "Lastly. We have some enemies now. I do not wish to view them as enemies but the Tortugan Queen seems to think I was the one who started the plague that touches is not too long ago, for that reason I expect you all to exercise a bit of caution around her especially, the rest seem quite reasonable. Her name is Roman, she is a white woman with a red mark above her left eye. Or newest enemy is the queen of old Arcanum. I do not know her name but she challenged Sibelle and won. She is also the woman who kidnapped my daughter Fiamette. Exercise extreme caution around her... If she is anything like her mother she is dangerous..." Those last words were spoken softly, almost to herself. Was there anything else she was missing? She would pause another moment to think, head tipped curiously. "Anyone ranked commoner may find myself, Scorpion or Desiree after the meeting and be appointed to a rank of your choosing. Orchid is our lead healer, Libra and Maija are our lead warriors and Othello is our lead hunter. I would like each of your to hold meetings with your underlings to at least get to know each other in the following weeks. Is there anything else anyone would like to address?" Fuck if she had missed something, she was done hearing the sound of her own voice...