
We could flood the streets

Novel i


8 Years
07-16-2014, 02:57 PM

Novell would accept the embrace after looking quite sorry for herself, it was rather big news. Were it in a different light she would probably have thought about shouting it to the world, but that would be Novella's job. Even Novel would wonder what exactly Dutiron was going to say about them. The girl would respond, wanting to have told her and Dutiron but feeling like she would get scolded yet again. "I was just a little scared...worried that I might get him into more trouble." She would finish, obviously very much in tune with how she had messed up. Were the atmosphere a bit more light hearted she would have chuckled at her sarcasm. There was only a tiny bit of disappointment that would radiate anymore as excitement would take over. These would be the first grandchildren she would get to see born.
Novella was obviously unsure though, she could almost see her lip quiver as a sigh would be released as well as the embrace. Her daughter would meet her gaze, and she could see in to the depths of uncertainty that would radiate there. "I'm scared. I don't know what to do." Her deep gaze would now soften, knowing how much her daughter needed her mother to be supportive. "Novella, you don't need to be scared of anything but telling your father." Now she would find the heart to emit a small laugh, You'll have me, Symphony, and your nieces and nephews all here to help you through this. Not to mention the rest of your family." She would nuzzle her again, "Not to mention, Frith. If he doesn't stay and help care for you, you can bet your first born that I will hunt him down myself." That was a promise.