
Mine, mine, MINE



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-16-2014, 03:46 PM

Esti made the drop on her brother. His legs went out from under her and, instinctively, Esti's tail attempted to tuck against her stomach. The feel of his form flailing out beneath her was satisfying, but the taste of blood on her tongue was much more exciting. Her bite had hit, and though it bled, her brother didn't seem to lose focus. He let go of her ear and rolled his neck, making the hold on his neck much harder to keep. In her focus, Esti kept her face scrunched and her ears back. As much as she was okay with her brother, she wasn't going to let him get a good grip on her, especially not now with the force of the fight clouding her mind.
A growl rippled against her tongue, and it took Esti a moment to realize that the growl was not her own, but her brother's. She soon felt his back feet press against her tail and stomach, his front paws still around her neck. Her rump slowly lifted from the ground and Esti attempted to root herself, trying to bite down on Laufey's neck. Regardless, the girl was lifted, and she struggled to get her forepaws beneath her to gain some leverage. Finally, as a last resort, she let go of her brother's neck, attempting to whip her head back and avoid toppling. She didn't. As her brother moved, Esti felt his teeth graze her left cheek sharply, scraping the flesh. Though they had missed the mark of her ear, she felt their sting in her cheek. Esti was then shifted and she landed squarely on her left side, the dull thud causing her breath to rush out of her forcefully for a moment.

As she struggled to get her breath, Esti double checked her body, tucking her neck for good measure; nothing seemed broken. The girl's breath came back with a snarl as she attempted to free herself from her brother at first, his forelegs still locked around her on both sides. Then another thought came to her head and she tried to dive for his nose. At the distance they were at, she didn't have many options, and she needed to stun him before trying to climb out of his "cage". She aimed to bite quickly, bite hard, hopefully on his sensitive nose, and then roll to her right. She didn't need a good grip, she would let go to roll if her bite made its mark. She tried to tuck her paws to her chest, hoping to defend the area and make escape easier. Esti made sure her ears were tucked, and as she scrunched her face, Esti felt again the sting of her left cheek. She knew she only had once chance to get this right. The two were too close to risk stretching out much, an attack-and-go might help to distance them from each other. If hitting Laufey's face didn't make him let go, maybe attacking his legs would.

Fight for Dominance (and the bone)
ATTACK:Bite his nose then roll to her right to get away.

DEFENSES: Ears tucked, face scrunched, tail tucked, face and neck tucked, forelegs tucked

INJURIES: Ear bleeding at base, bruised stomach, bite on cheek (enough to cause bleeding)