
Gods Will Fall


07-16-2014, 03:30 PM

He waits, his presence uninterrupted for several moments before a strange scent infiltrates his nose. He looks around, his crimson gaze locking on a huge beast, a creature unlike any he as seen before. Cerberus is both intrigued and nervous by the sight of her. What is she? She speaks, and he blinks once before replying. "I am." He agrees with a slight rumble. She asks for no serious injuries, and he nods in agreement. "Yes ma'am." He says, for the first time in his life, he's respectful. Whether it's from her initial size or impression, he does not know. His body settles into a defensive position, perhaps the only position he is so comfortable with. Ears fall flat against his head as he steps forward, his legs spread slightly for balance. His eyes narrow, as he studies his opponent with interest. He wished to learn- he couldn't complain at the circumstances he was given. His claws dug into the ground as he thought of the best way to approach her, his tail twitching behind him, whilst level with his spine. His head lowered aligning with his spine, chin tucked slightly, hackles raising, and gums curling to reveal his teeth. His body grows tense, his shoulders rolling forward as he strides towards her, attempting to move towards her left side.

He figures her side would be easier to approach, then her front where her rather large teeth are. He lunges forward towards her left shoulder- seeking to close the distance between them in a few strides. He attempts to slam into her left side- using his right shoulder, as his jaws open and his head turns to the left, as he attempts to bite down her left leg, just above her elbow. As his jaws close, hopefully with her leg between them, he thrashes his head slightly, though not to much as he doesn't want to damage her permanently. He's seen his sister do so many attacks, but here in the heat of the moment- he can't grasp any of those memories. Has Artemis ever faced a creature like this? He hopes he's not making any dire mistakes?

CERBERUS vs ELSA: Round 1/2

defenses: ears flattened, legs spread for balance, eyes narrowed, tail and head level with spine, hackles raised, gums curled exposing teeth, body tensed, claws digging into the ground, shoulders rolling forward.

attacks: attempts to move towards her left side. lunges forward with the attempt of using his right shoulder to slam into her left side, while trying to bite into elsa's leg just above the elbow.

ooc: any questions, don't hesitate to pm me! Tried to make this as clear as possible, but everyone knows roamers crazy <3
