
Birds go flying at the speed of sound

Twig I


07-16-2014, 05:15 PM

Easily she would follow Alpine out of the den, though they would shoot out the gate both children slowed down considerably as their senses became alight with all the world at once. Twig couldn't keep the smile off her face as their wonder would just fuel her love for them one hundred times over. Solor and Faun both would sway down the trail, and she would correct them every time with little nudges to stay in line. As they reached the sandy shore she would allow them to go about exploring, she could more easily keep her eyes on them out here. Alpine would call a warning, but she had to doubt that either pup would heed it.
Quietly she would settle next to her mate, vibrant violet gaze watching their children as they raced to the water's edge. Her gaze would flicker towards the pale man's form, catching him looking at her. The corners of her mouth would pull back further as she turned to him slightly, still able to see Faun run quickly away from Solor's paws. He was covered in sand. "Did you ever imagine that life could be this nice?" She would find herself leaning into his shoulder, the warmth of their pelts would mingle as their fur intertwined.
