
Hearts of the Damned


07-16-2014, 05:35 PM

Her lip slips from its encasement as her expression hardens, azure eyes resting upon Drake with an unwavering stare. She feels very anxious although her outward appearance does not show it. She hopes he will believe her, he has to believe her, because she believed him when he said it. She could see the turmoil that lurked behind his blue eyes, deep tones spilling from his gaping maw, causing her audits to fall flat against her skull. He sure knew how to play the guilt card didn't he? But how could she blame him? She deserved it all, deserved his mistrust and resentment toward her feelings. "I..." She begins but pauses, the words seeming to be lodged within her throat. She clears her throat and tries again. "I was blinded by all those things." A softness takes place within her eyes, an emotion rarely seen within the frozen hearted woman. Drake would shake his head before moving to close their distance, and the nymph would stand motionless, the oceans salty waves licking at her heels. He was directly in front from her now, his muzzle wavering just inches from her own, close enough to where she could feel his hot breath against the fine hairs on her snout. It sends a tingle down her spine, she feels a flutter of emotions grip her heart and she feels the same desire she felt long ago return to her. But now is not the time for such things. "I... I wasn't taught how to love someone, but I like to believe I know how it feels..." She pauses for a moment before continuing, her nerves rattling her from the inside out. "Like, when I look at you, it feels like something is writhing within my tummy and it doesn't go away. It makes my throat tight, it makes my toes tingle... I.. Don't know how to explain it very well." She looks up at him, her eyes pleading for his acceptance. Did he believe her yet? Would he ever believe her? "What... What do you see when you look at me?" She needs to know if the feeling is mutual, needs to know if she drives him wild as he does her.
