
We could flood the streets



5 Years
07-16-2014, 06:15 PM

To be honest still so stunned she certainly didn't feel like shouting the news to the world. Once more it wasn't exactly a feeling of shame, but worries and of course the fact she needed to speak with Frith and her father would of course prevent her from doing any shouting just yet. Still though if her mother wished to go spreading the news later, that would be fine, providing of course her worries would eventually subside. Right now she still wanted it to be kept as much of a secret as it could be, at least until her own mind felt somewhat stable and a little more at ease with this unexpected situation.

Whilst her mother's comment may have been made in a more light-hearted manner it didn't really help Novella calm at all. She was already worried enough about telling her father and jokes certainly weren't going to help her find the courage to tell him he was going to be a grandfather again. It seemed so simple putting it like that, perhaps it would be the phrasing she would use but right now thinking about the entire image still troubled her.

There was that confirmation she had sought though, that Novel would be there to help her and the various other members of the family. Still she couldn't quite rid that feeling of being a lost child herself though, so confused and reliant already upon her family and the pregnancy had only just begun. She tried to take comfort in her mother's words that she needn't be scared though still the worries wouldn't shift just yet. Frith though, she wouldn't worry about him. She had no real reason to be so sure that he would stay having no idea how he felt about being a parent himself though she knew how he felt about her and certainly hoped it would be enough to make him stay regardless of how he may have felt about children. Their children.

Other than surprised she still didn't know how to feel about it, perhaps things would be different once the realisation had settled in and once she had spoken to Frith though she certainly didn't see the worry going away regardless of what her mother told her now. Her mother of course made a strong point though, one she'd realised herself and so no argument would sound in fact no words would even find themselves coming to mind. She would remain silent, perhaps a part of her hoping there was some other gem of wisdom that she hadn't thought of or known about that Novel could share with her now.