
Spring Fling



10 Years
07-16-2014, 07:53 PM

Life was wonderful -- she had no complaints at all. Though her parents were slowly declining in health, it was not surprising due to their age, and she was not one to dwell much on the inevitable; at least not before it even happened. They were comfortable and happy, and so were her siblings, as far as she knew. And it seemed in the presence of Novel, a smile permanently painted her delicate features, lighting up the girl's normally stoic facade. They were kindred souls, and nothing felt forced around her. Once, when they didn't know one another as well, she had felt hesitant at showing her how much she cared for her, but now affection seemed to come readily and with little abandon. The brief moments of contact filled her with warmth that she could not describe, and she cherished her presence deeply.

Novel was in no hurry to explore -- or do much of anything at all, though Ara didn't blame her -- and she found herself laughing gently. "Good," she noted with another gentle nudge to her friend's shoulder. Slowly they would walk together into the orchard, and her head tipped slightly to the sky, marveling at the different trees and flowers here. Nothing in particular jumped out at her, but the entire scene was peaceful and inviting. "Shall we bring some back home?" She was in no hurry, especially not to gather anything of importance, but she would not hesitate to gather a flower that Novel liked. They might wilt after a few days, but they might provide her den with a floral scent until then, hopefully brightening her day when she saw them upon awakening.