
This Time There Is Time



6 Years
07-16-2014, 08:00 PM

The brute had spotted the tree, the fae soon doing so too but neither said anything about the weeping branches. His paws stepped foot out of the waters and onto the island, his pads adjusting to the dryer but not hard soil. Ocean orbs stared up at the vines drawing down, and he too would think of his mother.

He had made the choice to separate from his parents, and he wondered if his mother had any regret giving her children that decision. Would tears fall because of the separation? He could imagine her white body laying under the willow, weeping beneath the vines begging for her children to come back to her. But her figure would fade as they approached the trunk of the tree, Caeto knowing that no one had been here.

His nose rose to the air, searching for other signs of wolves instead of his family. The girl's voice playing questioning tunes to his ears. She had asked why they had come here. Whether it was a question of why he brought her here or why he was here, it didn't matter to him. "I'm searching for the rest of my family." His eyes would stay forward away from the fae, eyeing the waters around the island gently.

"Does your cousin not travel with you?" His question was out of the blue. He had thought of how she spoke of Dusk, her cousin who she looked at as more of a brother. Why was such a young girl running around aimlessly by herself? Was she just trying to find someplace too settle? Or did she spend nights with her family member?

Walk "Talk" Think