
This Time There Is Time



3 Years
07-16-2014, 08:26 PM

The ebony babe would follow him up onto the island. Sapphire eyes would search endlessly by the willow, though there was nothing. The man had replied that he was searching for his family. Emeralds looked down at black paws. Sometimes she too searched for her family, though it was silly to chase after memories. Dusk perhaps was her only family, and she should be grateful that he was the closest kin she could find.

Does your cousin not travel with you?

Dusk wasn't her babysitter, she could look after herself. She only shared a home with him as well as two other loners that are his friends. Dusk had the main job of hunting with another wolf by the name of Winter. Titania had agreed to make dens as well as educate herself in healing, while another wolf, named Esti, would have the main job of expanding their home. It wasn't much. It wasn't a high-class pack of royalty, but it was perfect through Titania's eyes.

"I just share a home with him, he hunts while I do whatever has to be done." She explained, trying not to sound like she was dependent on him. She's wasn't. And if Dusk and Winter had to take a break, Esti and Titania could always fill in with hunting. They were a small, tight-knit group, only four mouths to feed. But what was she doing so far out from the willows? Wouldn't the others worry? Nah, the sun doesn't set in a long while, she had plenty of time. Besides, it wouldn't hurt just to spend one night with Caeto, would it?

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]