
My heart yearns for you



07-16-2014, 08:58 PM

Dhiren received warm responses from both Faolan and the unnamed female. He listened with rapt attention as Enola introduced herself, explained her situation, and then stated she wanted to live with Faolan. While she spoke, Dhiren watched her with bright silver and gold eyes. He noticed that her eyes were a milky color, indicating the blindness she had been blessed with at birth. Being blind was something he was not going to point out, for it would be rude of the man to do so.
White and black ears perked as he waited for her speech to fade from her lips. Nervousness was evident in her voice and he softly cleared his throat before speaking. "I don't see any problem with you joining, Enola. Ludicael is a pack of harmony and peace, a place that wolves would not hesitate to join..." He gave a soft smile as he continued. "Our pack is a scholarly one, where we value education and increasing the knowledge and confidence of our members. From how you have returned to be with Faolan, I am sure that the two of you will make a big contribution to Ludicael. Upon joining, you will be a Chapter, the rank that gives you access to learning every subject we have available..."
It was then that he looked at Faolan and gently nodded before speaking for a final time. "Welcome to Ludicael, Enola. Take your time getting used to your surroundings and when you feel comfortable enough to learn, don't hesitate to call for our teachers. Don't worry -- Faolan will fill you in on who they are when the time is right." Turning to the side, he waited for the two wolves to rise and walk across the pack's boundaries before heading off to search for Guinevere.

Lineart courtesy of Kaylink on dA - Character belongs to Wynn