
My heart yearns for you



07-16-2014, 10:32 PM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2014, 10:33 PM by Enola.)

The male didn't see a problem in her joining, and it would bring a smile to her delicate features. From the way he described it, this Ludicael pack seemed to be a good place for her, especially the learning and increasing confidence in their members, something her mother always told her she needed to have. And when he said they would be a big contribution, it make her beam in delight. She would start HER life here, make her mother and siblings proud. And what was even better about it, Faolan would be here by her side.

Upon accepting her into the pack, Dhiren would give her the rank of Chapter, giving her access to learn every subject the pack had to offer. She dipped her head to this, tail swinging lightly behind her. A last welcoming, and informing her to get used to the territory, and when she felt comfortable enough to learn she shouldn't hesitate in contacting a teacher, who Faolan can inform her about.

Ears twitching at sound of footsteps, turning the male's form and moving away from the two, assuming he was finished and leaving. And beside her she could hear Faolan shifting as well, and so she would pull herself up, ears listening and paws feeling the earth beneath her, her new home. She would step across the marked border with her Knight, closing her eyes with a gentle smile. "To a new life." Sweet tones spoke, ready to take on this new land and the adventures to come.
