
bearing the olive branch


05-09-2013, 10:56 AM

Go to Glaciem, they said. It will be fun, they said.

Summer might have dried up the wet, older Seracian land, but it had certainly spared this landscape. Snow already littered the ground in places, a substance that the boy was altogether unfamiliar with. It clung to his paws and froze between his toes, but he tried to ignore it - gritting his teeth when it pained him. The duo moved robotically, shifting forward and back as they felt necessary. Maverick had been sent on this mission, as had Cynrik, and so his mind wandered but his jaws did not. Silence overwhelmed most of their travels, but Maverick didn't mind. The young prince had a lot on his mind lately, and wasn't keen on sharing it with Cynrik, so silence was the best option.

A voice brought him back to reality, and his pace would seek to match Cynrik's own so that he could better speak to his companion. "I'm afraid I don't know much about either. Father didn't have many details to share. He did assure me that they are friendly and honest, so I don't think we need to worry too much." He said the last bit to reassure himself more than Cynrik. They were nearing the pack, close enough to scent the borders. Maverick slowed up just a tad, noting that the man had pulled back respectfully. The Prince finally came to a halt, allowing his russet muzzle to draw skyward and release a beckoning howl. When he was through he turned back to Cynrik, a charming smile upon his face. "Here goes nothing," came the joking lyrics, hinting at the Maverick that lay just under the surface of his poised and statuesque Princely demeanor.
