
No Mediocre


07-17-2014, 04:23 PM

The divinity would stalk towards the lands where blood bathed the ground. His large form rippled with the power he held within his god-like body. The Olympus' name was well known, and those who did not know would learn it soon enough. His family was not one to be trifled with, and those who tried would be quite sorry. He was not an easy one to get along with, and those who played coy or fake with him would find themselves in a situation they did not want to be in. Dual toned silver and and fiery orange eyes seeking out his next prey item, or perhaps one that would attract him so. The beast was a very handsome one, and he knew it. Deviously charming, he swayed those he came across and his dazzling smile sealed the deal.

A howl would summon someone, and the regal males ears would perk as he listened to where it came from. Bi-colored eyes would seek out the femmes voice, slender legs carrying him to the point of destination. He weaved in and out of the boulders and broken ground that rose from the ground, muscles rippling beneath his sleek pelt. And soon, he would find her. A female that smelled of a rival pack, or so he was sure. He had never heard of the one he smelled, and so he would seek out who it would be today. If it was a spar she sought, she would be in for a treat...Atlas was a seasoned warrior, and he did not simply play. "And which pack are you from little girl? So that I may tell tales of your weakness when I win." He would say coolly, the cockiness of his voice bubbling through though he did not care what she thought.
