
We could flood the streets



5 Years
07-17-2014, 04:58 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2014, 04:59 PM by Novella.)

Just as before, Novel would still have what Novella felt was too much faith in her abilities. This was surely completely different from learning to fight or heal, trying to learn whilst Symphony had worked on Jupiter had been impossible as had it hadn't benefited her really trying to listen as the epidemic went on. Learning how to be a mother whilst actually be one terrified her even more than either of those instances, she hadn't been the main one that those wolves had been relying on but these children now growing inside of her would be, they already were.

Her mother certainly had some logic though, to simply think about the now rather than look too far ahead. The now involved telling Frith and then her father, the latter especially not a task she felt would be particularly easy either. Once more though she wouldn't argue with Novel and would simply take a deep breathe, try to rid herself of those thoughts as her mother had instructed.

"Are we still going to have that lesson?" She questioned, after such big news it was hardly the time to start staring at plants really but perhaps the distraction would do her some good for a while. Frith would likely be busy hunting and so she couldn't really tell him now and disrupt his duties, not when she had now possibly got him into even more trouble, at least with her father too depending on how the man reacted. Perhaps she would ask for Novel to at least be present when they told Dutiron, but for now she would focus on the possibility of a lesson. "I'm feeling a bit better now." Physically she may have been anyway, though mentally it'd probably be some time before she felt better about the news.