
A battle of the mind.


05-09-2013, 12:50 PM

The wind blew slightly through the air, it felt decent upon her pelt, and she did not mind it at all.Tikaani was content with just herself here, she wanted nothing than to tare into someone at this time. She was full of rage, full of pain. And she wanted nothing better than to take it out on someone. She rather have it to be that Bitch who left her, but Tikaani would settle for anyone. Heaven help whoever decides to cross her path on this day. Tikaani's appearance showed her personality also, all those scars, the blind eye. She was a perfect example of pain.

Her ears pinned back as the sound of another filled her mind. Who dared to come here, she was not pleased with whoever this was. Then it spoke, first teasing, trying to make a joke out of things. Her ears pinned closer to her head, fur bristles, and teeth bared. She did not turn towards the brute, not one bit. She listened to the male speak some more, So it seems that this brute had seen that she was troubled, oh how cute. This just made her mad even more, she did not enjoy others trying to help her out. She knew it would only lead to disappointment.

Her tail swayed rapidly, and aggressively, as he continued to speak. He had gave her his name, what a move on his part, she now knew what to call him by, and advantage in her mind. Tikaani turned to the make, her scared up face and one good eye came into his view. The male was interesting, he had unique coloring and she did give that to him, the charming appearance to him.Tikaani still had her ears pinned to her head fur bristled, and teeth bared. She let out a deep growl "I don't care to know who you are, nor do i want to"

Everything about her screamed anger, and she was ready to tare him to bits. Tikaani knew that if she did not get close to anyone she would not be hurt again. She glared at him, her growls got deeper and deeper. Her lips pulled back as far as they can go she was ready to attack. Walking closer to the male she spoke once more Leave now, or i will make you" She snarled at the make. Tikaani lunged at him with her teeth ready to sink down in his flesh, if he did not move she would get him on the muzzle.
