
You are as high and dry as they say[joining]



9 Years
07-17-2014, 08:45 PM

I have seen all, I have heard all

I have forgotten all.

The girl was that of more cunning, manipulative, and quick. She was not of brute force like most she came across. Despite her tall size, the lady was tiny for her height. 36 inches was tall for a female, but she weighed less then others. Her skinny bodice was long and elegant, yet she was not unhealthy. Schon loved the way she looked and she would never change it. It was the cause of her being vain. Grooming was a constant for the girl, therefore the only thing she let mark her fur would be blood. She had the itch to kill lately as well, but it was really the urge to bathe in blood. To feel it run between her toes. Usually she would not be so savage but urges were not controlled. Nor did she really think to much on it for his words filled her tri-toned audits slowly. "I am a warrior, defensive in type. I feel no pain, even if I wished for it, I cannot feel it." Schon would nod with a little smirk upon her lips. Yet, she would let forth her own beautiful song as well. "That would be a Krieger then. A warrior. You would be required to train on your own time and join any manditory training a higher rank calls. Would you be willing to do so?" The girl rolled her shoulders and watched a for a moment. "I would love to spar you as well, in the near future perhaps."

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.