
A battle of the mind.


05-09-2013, 01:28 PM
Right after he introduced himself Vladimir realized his presence was not welcome by the dame....then again when had strangers welcomed him? hmmm..once? twice maybe? Well he hadn't really run into that many other wolves so this was nothing right. Her face contorted to many gnarly looking faces as she stood up and swayed her tail back and forth. Snarls emitted from her maw as if she were a volcano about to explode.

Her ears seemed to pinned back to her head now....very aggressive as of now. Jeez what was wrong with this dame.

"Jeez badger got your tongue? sure don't got mine! " he said before she spoke in return.

Then the dame said how she didn't care who he was or even want to know. Jeez....tough crowd.

"Well it's quite alright I'm sure you aren't to enthused at the moment. Well I would just see it as knowledge personally. But why would you care." he said casually

Unmoved by her aggressive or threatening pose the young brute stubbornly stood there. Before Vlad could say whoa there she was on him. A small devious smile was plastered on his face as she snarled as he was pinned.

"oooooh attitude" he said before swiftly rolling out from beneath her. Then only did Vlad turn around and casually sit down on his haunches yet ready to spring back up.

Vladimir gazed at her with sky blue eyes....sometimes he wondered what made some wolves so angry. Her words rang in his mind. She had told him to leave or she would make him. The young brute let a small chuckle pass his lips.

"I can leave if I want to, it's my right, no? And if you made me wouldn't that even bring you to become more upset? Of course my words are nothing to you for you will not listen. Of course I myself am stubborn as well. So why not fight fire with fire?" he said

"But as of now I have no intention of fighting nor a fight. " he casually said as he stretched for a moment casually.

Then did he notice the other dame,she smelled of Valhalla. That's where his sister were he thought. The dame spoke of kind words towards the dame before him. She was called Tikaani eh? Such a sweet innocent name for the femme that just lunged at him no? With a sigh Vladimir calmed himself and looked back and forth between the two. To be honest both of them seemed quite kind but maybe Vlad had the wrong perspective of Tikanni as of now.

So much for being a smart ass; this dame had to come along and ruin the fun. No, he couldn't act in such a way. What was this anyway? Vladimir was a bit confused as of now but he was sure it would pass...hopefully.