
Wake Up


07-17-2014, 09:00 PM
Koray felt warm and happy, more so when his mother kissed his head. His tail wagged eagerly and more still when she told him she had slept well. Koray nuzzled against his mother's legs before darting ahead to sniff at a plant he did not recognize. As he circled around his mother and brother while they walked he listened to here they were going making a note of what it was called. Ammy was the one who liked to see all the new places, and always wanted to run off and see new things. Koray liked it too; but in a more quiet way. He found it interesting but could just as happily stay home. As long as he was with his family, and everyone was happy, that was all that mattered.

The sights and smells were all new and exciting enough though. Koray investigated everything new cautiously before needing to scamper to keep up with his family. Wild grapes, onions, and flowers caught his attention before the smells of unfamiliar rodents. Koray did recognize the smell of rabbit, however. As they continued on their way he became comfortable in the feeling that everything was safe and began to get playful. He pretended to keep smelling at things in a circular path around his family as they moved forward, before passing nearby Ammy. As soon as he was behind Amarant he attempted to tackle his side to knock him down and bolted towards mom with his tail wagging wildly with glee. "Gotcha Ammy!" he called back to his brother thoroughly amused.

OOC:I wasnt exactly sure what to do if I was supposed to fill the long gap of time implied before they got to the barn or just go all the way to when the arrived so i tried to keep it vague.