
Dark Thoughts Lead To Darker Places


07-17-2014, 09:36 PM

He would feel her gentle kiss upon his creme features when he nuzzled her. His tail wagged slightly, a blush creeping up faster then he could say his own name. Soon, his face would be flashing red, not even the black strip across his face could hide the rising crimson tide that flushed his face. The creme male would duck his head down slightly, ears lying back just slightly in slight embarrassment. Why had she kissed his cheek? Was there something there? He was quite oblivious, and soon his head and tongue would begin to draw blanks. His namesake suddenly taking place.

He would glance at her bi-colored orbs then, heart hammering as she explained to him what she had been going through as of late. He couldn't help but to nod as she spoke of the plague, the emotions of the past and present. He could not forget the day he had been sick, for it was also the day something had escaped from an unknown realm and was now following him. Although, it seemed to be pushed back today. Hardly bothering him at the moment while Odette was nearby. When he had gone to visit his brother, his had weighed heavily on his body. But the elation of happiness seemed to drive it from him. For the moment, anyway. "When I got sick, I thought I was never going to pull out...none of my family went to visit me. How's that for lonely? The only ones that cared enough were Erani and a few of the healers, and Sephiroth." He chuckled weakly then. "Who I attacked during my fever..." He would continue to listen as she spoke again, this time about one named Baldur. He didn't quite know who he was, but he could tell he had probably been a good friend of Odette's. Then, it came to Chrysanthe. Someone whom Jinxx had met only briefly, the former Alphess before Erani who he had witnessed upon his arrival in Alacritis; fighting for pack.

Lastly, he would be mentioned. Odette had worried about him? He wasn't sure how to feel. Glad, perhaps? Happy? Sad? Shocked? That someone other then his family had actually cared about him while he was sick? He understood that she didn't see him during that time. He remembered her telling him she holed up in her den so she wouldn't get sick, and to tell the truth he would have hated himself if she had gotten sick because of him. Not to mention, he wouldn't have wanted her to see him in the state he had been in. Or hurt her while the aggression had raged within his body. Before he knew it, he would take a step forward to press his muzzle against her own, gently licking her left cheek as he whispered to her. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'll be here as long as you need me to. That I can promise." He pulled back then, just slightly as oceanic blue eyes met her dual toned ones. A small smile pulling at his lips. "Honestly, I am glad you are safe. Were I the one to get you sick, I'm pretty sure I'd hate myself."
