
A battle of the mind.



05-09-2013, 02:10 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2013, 02:10 PM by Chrysanthe.)
The alabastar brute that she had stepped in to protect was a bit of a smart ass - rolling away from Tikaani and commenting on her attitude. Chrysanthe held back an aggitated sigh - maybe she should have let the brown female lunge at him proper without stepping in. But Terror was a bitch and would attack without reason and Tikaani wasn't the type to do something like that. Even if the snowy brute sort of deserved it for being a pain in the ass.

She rolled her eyes as he played the -it's a free world- card. That would get him into trouble if he wasn't careful. Sure, teasing younger females was one way to get his kicks but what happened when he came across someone that honestly wanted nothing more than to tear his pretty gray throat out? "If you want to fight fire with fire pretty boy, we can tango on the battlefield later." She said, just as casually as he had said that he had no intention of fighting. "I can be pretty stubborn myself." Chrys was not going to let him be obnoxious to Tikaani when clearly that wasn't what she needed at that moment.

The last thing that Chrysanthe was afraid of, was a fight. In fact, a fight would be incredibly relieving right now, she was stressed to all hell with this marriage thing looming in the not-so-distant future.

And as the brown female walked up to her, Chrysanthe wasn't sure whether to tense up or welcome the other to get closer. In the end, she noticed the other's posture change to something less irritated and something more... sad. That was the deciding factor, and Chrysanthe stepped forward to meet her, nosing the other female's cheek as she spoke to her. She then confirmed what she hadn't wanted to hear - Terror had taken over.

She had taken over after... after her mother had left her.

It took a few moments to connect the dots, but once they did, Chrysanthe immediately understood. Terror had taken over while Tikaani was at her lowest point - her mother had left her behind, left her with nothing but her anger and rage and this was what it had come to. "You're not alone now though, you have me - you always have. And there's an annoying boy to chew on if you really want to." She joked, but then paused, realizing that then probably wasn't the time. "I'm so sorry your mother left you - but she was silly to do so and not everyone is like that Tikaani." That damn hag. Leaving her daughter in the paws of incompetent lupine. "I don't care what pack you're a part of, or I'm a part of - you can always howl for me." She would comfort Tikaani and would fight Terror until she didn't have anything to be so angry about anymore.

What were true friends for?