
bearing the olive branch

Gargoyle I


05-09-2013, 02:12 PM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


Gargoyle came charging through a nearby snow back almost before the words had died on the young wolf's lips. The king pulled up fast, planting his paws with perfect balance, sliding only a few inches despite his great momentum. The monstrous male had been on his way to patrol the southern reaches. He'd caught the scent of strangers from a distance, and, not recognizing the Seracian smell at first, came barreling down ready for a fight.

His lip had been curled back and his eyes had glowed as they only did when he was on the verge of bloodshed. But now that light quickly dimmed. They'd howled had they not? A second more and the scent came to him - it was the same that Crusade had been covered in when she'd returned bearing good news from the Seracian borders. These were not enemies... These were not the sort that had killed Asheni.

"Apologies." The low, rough rumble came after his short interval of observation. He might've been raised a warrior all his life, but he was objective enough to realize that some sort of 'sorry' was neccisary after blasting in on someone looking like you wanted to tear them to shreds. "Security has been tightened recently, and we did not know precisely when we would be expecting the party from Seracia." Gargoyle's mind was active as he spoke, looking over these wolves, recalling to mind all that Crusade had spoken off. They had had most detailed conversations on the topics of the two packs and an alliance... back that they had still been entirely of one mind. Before Keki... and before Asheni... But it was not Gargoyle's way to show emotion or thought of any sort whether in eyes or posture or tone of words. And even if he had been so inclined, his soldier's instincts never would've allowed such a display of weakness before strangers.

The male's posture relaxed some. He only ever stood balanced and ready to strike, but his ears perked up in a more peaceful tone and the fur on the back of his neck relaxed. His yellow, lizard-like gaze turned on the younger wolf. The boy was striking in marking, color, and eyes. Not to mention bearing. Even had Gargoyle not recognized his appearance from Crusade's description of the Crown Prince, the Chief would've guessed him to be of postion and lineage. "Prince Maverick, I presume," The Northern Chief rumbled. Even as he dipped is head in a greeting nod, his eye level remained high above either of theirs. If Maverick's manner betrayed him for a Prince, Gargoyle's betrayed him for a King. Perhaps even something more terrible, for had he not once been hailed as a god?

"We're most honored by the presence of yourself and your companion." He paused, giving the other male a chance to introduce himself if he so wished. "I am Gargoyle." he said after a moment, "And I welcome you to Glaciem. Within these borders you are our guests; Explore, hunt, or relax at your own leisure." No word was spoken rules or manners. These were not children on holiday, these were dignitaries on a peaceful mission. They knew what was at stake. And yet despite their grave responsibilities, Gargoyle wished them a pleasant stay. He would've desired it to have come at a more pleasant time, but for all he knew, their coming would be the turn around for his sorrowed subjects.

"I only burden I will ask of you, is a the pleasure of your conversation, for there is much still that I would wish to know of Seracia, and there is much I wish to tell you of Glaciem."
