
Searching for Safety



07-27-2014, 01:03 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Stride quick and purposeful, the anxious grey female hurried to her destination. Her body was somewhat hunched as she moved, weighed down by thoughts, worries, and more importantly fears. Gold and purple eyes stared out of a watchful, distraught face, her brow drawn into a nervous frown as her gaze darted about, seeking not only ahead for any sign that she was getting close to where she intended to be but also behind to ensure that the two lives that followed had not fallen behind. If they too would have disappeared, Ashtoreth did not know what she would have done.

As it was, her family had already lost two members. Leon and Ashelia both were gone, or at least as she had told Cador and Vaishya, sparing them the harsher realities in her haste to be gone of the place where her mate had brought them after Valhalla had been lost. It had been practically all she had been able to say - "They're gone," - in her frantic departure, rushing the kids and urging them to follow, to stay close, to not stray too far from her side. They were not safe anymore, the Avian Estuary could not protect them, and they desperately needed a new haven to shelter in.

Ash did not entirely know what it was that drove her here, to Olympus, but her paws did not slow until she caught the scent of their border, stopping there and turning to glance with concern at Cador and Vaishya. She had pushed them too hard in this travel, harder even than their father had pushed them when they had moved the first time, but in her mind it had been necessary. She could not allow them to stay rogues a moment longer. They needed the safety a pack could offer.

She still shook as she stood before them, wishing that she could have been stronger, wishing that it was less obvious just how painful and frightening all of this was for her. She was supposed to be the parent, the strong adult for her children to gather around and take comfort from. Without her own rock, without her mate, she felt entirely lost. "I'm sorry this is so sudden," she said to them, her voice unsteady as she tried to explain. But no more words came to her. How did she tell them she was too weak, too scared, too ill equipped to raise them alone? Grief and distress threatened to take hold of her, blurring her vision with tears, and she took a moment to hide her face and compose herself, only turning back to them when she felt relatively steady. She hoped it would be a good enough front to hold up in front of those who would be greeting her.

Releasing a shaky breath, the lean hunter turned her head to set her gaze in toward the lands whose border she currently waited upon, taking a moment to draw in a deep breath, release it, and take in another to howl for those who could answer her. She hoped, so very much she hoped, that she was making the right decision. Olympus had always been close to home, a neutral neighbor as far as she had been aware though she did not entirely trust her recollection of politics. All she could do now was hope that they would take mercy, pity, whatever it took to help her and her children in their time of need.