
bearing the olive branch


05-09-2013, 02:43 PM

Insomnia recognized that howl. Her life had been a plague of never ending tragedy, or at least, at times, it seemed that way. The loss of her memory, the restoration of family and then feeling that torn away from her. She had a great deal of sorrow but she was learning to let it go, she was slowly getting better, she was slowly evening out her misfortunes, and in a rush of unrestrained giddiness, and despite the fact that the call came from the opposite side of the territory, Insomnia did not think twice as her thin bodice twined, turned, and rocketed towards the sound.

The two toned dame was a great many things, a once mother, a once mate, a dame trained in the most brutal of regiments, she wasn't perfect, she wasn't excessively large, she had been beaten, she had been bested and she had been bruised... she had helped taking down a polar bear, scaling the things back, she was still getting praise for that, but if there was one thing that without a doubt, utterly defined the dame, it was her absolute speed. She could haul some serious ass once she got going, and fly across the snow, she did. a blur of black that wasted no time as it zipped along the blanket of white. Pads pounding into the earth, a bright smile adorning her maw. She had been a part of Glaciem long enough now to know the terrain.

The scent of Gargoyle, Maverick, and a wolf she did not recognize entered her nasal passages and the dame smile only grew, onyx pools gleaming with excitement. Shooting over the small dip in the mountain, the dame would rocket towards the group, skidding to a halt, mere inches from the party. Her tail, a blur of color behind her and without a word, she rose up onto her hind legs, coiled them around Maverick's neck in a make-shift hug and gave him an affectionate kiss from the tip his snout, between his eyes and ending between his ears as she pulled him down into the snow with her. "Maverick!" Her tones were filled with laughter and adoration for the young male within her grasp.

(((OOC: Andyyyyy I know it's a bit God-mody but I simply couldn't resist! If you want me to change it I shall!)))