
Strength and Weakness



5 Years
07-18-2014, 10:11 AM

Unlike Frith her upbringing had certainly be more relaxed when it came to learning and even as she had begun to practice these things the lessons still hadn't been quite as regular as she may have liked she definitely lacked the practiced skill with her manoeuvres that many had and it would likely take a few more regular lessons before such things came easier to her.

Natural instincts needed to be trusted a little more it seemed however. She would flinch slightly at the sudden change in Frith's expression and the snarl, whilst not really aimed to hurt her, it would shock her all the same, only ever having seen the boy so peaceful and loving in his expressions, this would take her off guard though naturally before she'd even realised it her ear had pulled back just as he had hoped for her to do. The motion however wouldn't even be acknowledged by her until Frith calmed once more and spoke.

He would then go on to explain and demonstrate other defences she could use, simple little expression changes that would help her out. She attempted not to laugh at the thought of her seeming even remotely scary to anyone, even with the exposed teeth, though perhaps it was Frith's attempt to speak whilst holding such an expression that would entertain her more. Knowing that she ought to demonstrate she was listening however, ears once more would be pulled back purposefully this time, and eyes would narrow as he had demonstrated. It was the teeth that would prove slightly more challenging however, still fighting back that small smile. "Like this?" She would question, she mostly had it, if she held her mouth a little more still of course. It was hard to show any aggression though she decided, towards Frith anyway.