
A battle of the mind.


05-09-2013, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2013, 02:56 PM by Vladimir.)
The young brute sat there quietly as he listened to the conversation. The two of them probably thought he was a smart ass...probably. Well Vlad couldn't help it, it just came out. A sigh passed his lips as Vladimir busied himself by cleaning the grass from his fur. When he was done it seemed as perfect as before. The devious gleam in the males sky blue eyes was gone. He knew he shouldn't have said some of the things he had said....yet somehow it kind of kind of made sense in the long run, or not. Should he leave now? obviously this was something personal. Dark gray ears perked up as his mind was piqued with interest. Terror? Did Tikaani just say Terror took over?What was this dame like bi-polar? That would explain her mood before because now it had changed significantly.

Then a small smile appeared on his maw as the other dame threw in a few words at him. She jokingly offered a tango on the battlefield, hah! She even called him pretty boy, what? Vlad was no boy! he was a young brute! A small chuckle escaped his maw before the young male could reply. She even said she could be stubborn as well.

"I do suppose that would be fun; but as tempting as that offer is I must decline madam."

"I don't stay in one place for too long. Of course you see why; being a smart ass isn't too safe." he said with a small friendly smile.

Vladimir then turned his attention back to the grass as he kept on listening to the conversation. All of this mushy stuff and being there. made him wonder where his own family was. Of course his parents were somewhere and his sisters were both somewhere as well. Vlad missed teasing his sisters....or just the fact that he did because he loved them because they were his siblings. No mushy stuff Vlad! come on! with a small shake of his head Vlad turned his sky blue eyes back to the two dames before him.

did he hear her say Tikaani had an annoying boy to chew on? The devious smile reappeared as Vlad couldn't resist another smart ass reply.

"Annoying....perhaps, but I prefer smart ass. And you can chew on me as much as you want; just don't ruin this handsome face." he said in a friendly joking tone.

Vladimir then arose to his feet and made his way closer to the two dames. Perhaps this would be better if he was somewhat closer. Maybe this time he wouldn't get lunged at. With a shrug Vlad continued and sat down a respectful distance from Tikaani and the other dame.