
I could go anywhere with you



5 Years
07-18-2014, 11:41 AM

To be honest they probably shouldn't have been quite so open about their affections just yet, currently only her mother knew of their relationship and she really ought to tell her father before he found out through rumours spreading around the pack. Now however she longed for that comfort from her mate, not that she ever thought there would be a time she wished to turn down his affections anyway.

He would be shocked for a moment, silent as his expression simply showed his surprise at the news. After a few seemingly long moments he would begin to speak, the words didn't completely convey his feelings however and nervously she would await further explanation, further emotions across his face so she could actually know what he was feeling about the news, the anticipation had her stomach twisting in knots, worried as to what might be running through his head after all of her own fears that had bothered her since that morning.

He would nuzzle her however, and instead commend her on how well she would do as a mother. A part of her certainly wished people would stop attempting to preduct the future, her mother had said similar words and now Frith would too. "I hope so." She would voice quietly, leaning into his touch and nuzzling him back. At least she had told him now, and it seemed that he wasn't as daunted by the news as she was. He too could well be the rock she'd need to keep her sane throughout all of this, and thankfully as she had hoped wouldn't need dragging back to Ludicael by her mother.

"My mother knows about us now." She would continue, there was still a little more to say after all. "She was the one to realise I was pregnant actually. She seemed a little hurt at first, but she is ok with it all." There was still her father left to tell though right now she still wasn't sure how he would react and knew not if she wanted Frith present or not at the time, just in case Dutiron reacted badly.