
The Princess And The Casanova


07-18-2014, 03:13 PM

ooc; no worries. glad you feel better!

Time ticked on and a new dawn had began to peak on the horizon. Though, the sun had yet to make an appearance. Silver simply made itself known to the world as it began to take over the navy blue hues of night. Silver in which consumed the Eastern stars. Nights. . . they were much shorter in the north and the pair would soon share their first sunrise together.

Winter was glad to hear such relationships were allowed. How he would despise watching over his shoulder every living moment. Nice wolves? He did not believe such a thing. Nice wolves would never enslave another, forcing them to a duty - forcing them to obey their higher ranked government. Else punishment would be done or they would be cast out. A family, real friends, would never punish or abandon each other.

A smile expanded across his face when she played with their names in such a wondrous way - Wisha. It was suitable. Suitable beyond words. Though, he loved how her words wrapped around Casanova. Wisha. Wisha-pon a star, how I want to be where you are. Up above in a world so high, stars will be my eagle eye. Keeping you safe when scared or alone, they will remind you my heart - you own. Winter laughed a bit afterwards. He changed the words of a song his adopted mother had sung to him so many times - turning it into a simple rhyme he thought she would find adorable.

Winter pressed his face into her fur, taking in her perfume. For when they parted ways again, it may be some time before they saw each other. He had a kingdom to watch after and she a pack. Life in which pulled them apart in distance but never at heart. Winter place one paw over her at the shoulders and pulled her closer to his body - as close as possible. Did he love her? Yes. Why pulled him to her? He was unsure. But we never choose when and how we fall in love.
