
Wake Up


07-18-2014, 03:21 PM

Amarant would eye Koray as he held back, flew forward, and went in every direction smelling every little thing they came across. But soon his eyes would bore of Koray being so interested in all the plants. He himself held a carefree lifestyle, he would jump into boiling lava if it looked fun. But of course Koray would be there to stop and warn him if need be.

He tried to lead the way, but he would look back every so often to make sure he was going the right way. Maia was probably the only one of them who knew how to get to the barn. But that didn't matter, he could find it on his own if he went off by himself.

His thoughts had him held high and before he could come back to the real world, Koray had leaped onto him and succeeded on knocking him off balance and placed his claws on his shoulder. But he took of back to mother instantly, asking for fight.

The dark boy stood quickly to his feet and then put his chest to the grass and his rump to the air. His tail held high as he shook his hind and let off a grin showing he would get him back. And he would bolt, pouncing into the air attempting to strike Koray to the ground just as he had done. "Ha!" He would screech. Amarant hadn't even noticed that they were finally to the barn, and Maia was just about finished taking cation to the structure before giving her acceptance.

Walk "Talk" Think