
Will You Accept My Love Again?



11 Years
07-18-2014, 06:48 PM
The pale elder hadn't seen his mate in three days. Haveing been away after an... incident, at the border involving harsh words at a familiar face by his mate. And for the three days since during that time the elder hardly did anything around Ebony. It came with the job of Sola knight and being old. Eir. That was the word for his rank now. He should remember that. But one thing he would always remember was the touch of his mate. How he missed it. After such a time away from Tahlia he was beginning to crave it. The nuzzling and caressing as the fell asleep. To see their smiling and curious young again. Bane had thought himself to sleep each night just wondering how he could've handled the situation on the border differently. He shifted in the small depression he had scraped out in the pine needle covered ground. Once drooping ears?would perk forward as her call was heard, Tahlia having caved and reached out for him.

And he didn't deny her. Not for a second. Bane shot to his paws and shook his pelt in a halfassed manner before heading to her. The male was a ghostly blend of fur as he headed towards where she had howled. By the border near Ebony's lake. The cold of winter was gone. And the comfortable warmth was beginning to punctuate the evenings. But Bane felt hot all over, nerves about what his mate's state was and how she would react to him the only thoughts on his mind. The russet pelt behind the bushes where she awaited, Bane feeling the twigs scrape his cheeks as he swallowed anxiously. His paws brought him towards Tahlia, head low and eye having a searching gaze about it as he stared at his mate.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•