
bearing the olive branch


05-09-2013, 03:52 PM
Cynrik remained quiet, nodding along slowly as Maverik spoke of the little he knew about the pack they were going to live with for a while. But as Cynrik pulled back Maverik took his role with a cool confidence, head up and holding all the authority his rank should. Funny how Mav reminded Cyn so much of his eldest brother... God he missed his family... But Mav's charming smile brought a similar one to the golden males face, the corners of his lips pulling up easily in response. Now it was just a waiting game, wait and see who exactly showed up to greet them. And though Cynrik didn't have any specific image in mind of what the greeting party would look like he definatly hadn't imagined the massive black, slate and tan male that had come thundering at them. He didn't have time to think, the male was no fighter but his older sister had taught him a few thing and kept forward beside Mavrik, hackles raised and lips curled back and ready to meet the charge if needed. But no, the charging male pulled up and slowly expression of bloodlust faded... 'What. The. Fuck.' Was all that went through the golden boys mind as he threw a cautious glance at Maverik, looking for some sort of guidance as to what he should be doing about this. We're they no longer welcome?

An apology from the male came before instruction from Maverik and immediately golden crown dipped apologetically, nose almost brushing the ground with his head tipped so his throat aas exposed as he stepped back to once more allow his companion to speak. He was no fighter, Cynrik had only ever learned to defend himself thanks to his sister but he wouldnt let harm come to Maverik if he had any say in it. For now he would remain silent, ears tipped forward to listen to the male's words about the security. Why was it tightened? No hint of the question appeared in the golden males eyes, a simple understanding nod was given from Cynrik. Introductions followed, apparently Maverik was known no doubt because he was the heir, though maybe they had met? Cynrik did not know but as the male mentioned 'his companion' an easy smile settled into place on the golden boys face. "Cynrik. It's an honor to be here." he said easily, already bursting with questions but trying to stay as quiet as possible so Maverik could take the spotlight. Gargoyle. Was he the alpha here? Cynrik planned to find out soon enough. Hunting, relaxing, exploring... It all sounded fun except for the fact that Chnrik didn't plan to do a whole lot of it. His mind was already working up questions to ask the pack members about any customs, traditions, rules and regulations this pack might have. We're they religious? Warriors? Vegans? Lots of possibilities... Humble dip of the head was given in gratitude for those words, once again remaining silent.

This man would spend time with them and tell them about his pack? Of course Maverik would and Gargoyle would do most of ther conversing, Cynrik had been in the pack quite some time but until recently hasn't been overly involved. But to share a space with them while the spoke was all Cynrik needed. All he wanted. He was here to learn, an open book for them to pour their knowledge into. But his excitement remained contained, this meeting not exactly a place for jumping around and grateful kisses. Or was it? It seemed that almost as soon as that thought had come a slender two tone woman launched herself at Maverik, squealing his name as forelegs wrapped around his neck. Did he know her? Well... She knew his name... 'Should I get her off him?' He wondered, expressions conveying his confusion as if trying to silently as Maverik that question. What did he do? It wasn't an attack but after their initial greeting, even though it had settled fairly quickly, Cynrik was a bit on edge.
