
The Princess And The Casanova


07-18-2014, 07:24 PM

It thrilled Winter to please her so. Understanding these feelings - it was impossible. Deep inside he wished to deny that he loved her and cared for her. Would she hurt him? That is a possibility; however, we cannot let our lives be ruled by fear. He must enjoy these moments while they last for tomorrow is never guaranteed. Each day must be savored and sprinkled with laughter because this life may be the only life we are ever granted.

Winter listened to her words that followed his. Ah, he loved to hear those words sing out to him. It sounded more beautiful than a thousand angels. Misha was an angel - an earthly angel with no halo and invisible wings. The now peaking sun shed its light upon her pelt making her colors outshine gold. This was the first time he had set eyes upon her in the hours of day.

Thoughts of his past swirled through his mind - he should tell her. He should let her know of his baggage. The truth of his lying habits and disloyalty should be known to her. Ah, but he did not wish to scare her away for he loved her with all of his tainted little heart. He would try not to hurt her, though, one cannot simply change overnight. He needed her to help guide him in the ways of love. To be patient and understanding. But not now. . . not this day.

Winter raised his frame off the ground and then gave her tail a playful tug - following was a happy "yip" that echoed throughout the terrain. Sleep? Yes. He was sleepy after staying up with his princess all night; however, he could sleep while they were apart. Sleep would make the distance all the more bearable. Winter wanted to spend every moment of this morning with her before he must return to his kingdom. Leaving them for long was not optional - they needed him and Dusk to hunt. So, with this day - he would savor it and cherish it and forever engrave it into his soul. He wanted it to be perfect.
