
Start Again



5 Years
07-18-2014, 10:22 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2014, 10:23 PM by Ullr.)

"Hi Eostre!" Ullr chirped in greeting at his little sister, he moved to sit down next to her and Bera to try and offer some sort of comfort. He had pretty good intuition when it came to others and Thor and company didn't really feel all that bad to him. But then instincts good be wrong and fortune favored the prepared. But how could he worry with Dyani around? She'd protect them, she always did.

"Yes, sorry, of course Thor, s-?.. Thor? ermm? cousin?" It felt a little strange using such familiarities with a wolf he hardly knew but if they were going to be family now he supposed he better get used to it. Ullr's ears perked up as he was addressed by Baldur, something about tracking a carcass down? Tail set to wagging. "Yea! I can do that! I'm a great tracker." It was one of the few things he'd really excelled in, even if he still lacked in the actual hunting part.

The yearling moved over to the leg and sniffed lightly at it, taking the scent into his nostrils in slow easy breaths. His stomach growled and he was half tempted to dig into the leg right then and there but?. no, no there was more and he should be a good brother. Oblivious to personal space Ullr then moved to take in Baldur's scent. It would be easy to track the scent of the brute's blood back to the kill he'd found. Nose to the ground he set about picking up the trail, knowing his sister would be right behind him.

:momentary exit from thread:
