
Put down your weapons

Dutiron i


8 Years
07-19-2014, 05:21 AM

To be honest with the speed of it all it wasn't that the romance itself that was a mistake, of course his daughter was growing up and like her elder sisters would eventually find herself a mate, though not simply fall into a relationship because she had gotten herself pregnant, that wasn't the way it was supposed to work. With the timing of it all he was assuming of course that the pregnancy was what had come first, perhaps if the relationship had been revealed prior to this point this new discovery wouldn't have been quite so bad for him.

A part of him certainly had been tempted to point out that their first litter had hardly been a smooth ride, they'd made many a mistake with them. Of course though it was wrong to take this out on Novel, he knew that and fortunately tongue was held. Besides, whilst they may not have been the greatest of parents, the fact that they were still together surely spoke wonders, they clearly hadn't made a mistake in choosing each other.

Novella would list her sister's relationships now, he acceptance of those males. Even he however would notice the lack of mention of Cherokee and knew that it surely meant Novella herself could see that not all relationships were perfect. He didn't know whether to respect her decision more for that or feel she was more foolish for rushing now. "And what of Cherokee?" His tone was calming now but he would still bring the man up where his daughter had failed to.

To be honest though it would be ridiculous to try and split them up now. They had gotten themselves into this mess and if the boy truly wished to try and stick with her throughout it, well he couldn't really fault him for that, no instead he ought to commend him really. "Will there be a wedding?" He would question simply. His tone was still far from pleased for the two of them, still lacking his mate's excitement for the news, though she and Novella had certainly managed to bring that rarely seen temper down.