
Put down your weapons

Dutiron i


8 Years
07-19-2014, 07:26 AM

Perhaps it was partially that she was one of his younger children, had only just turned a year of age before leaving Ahlon though there was no denying that there was a part of Dutiron that was reluctant to let her grow up. They'd always had a bit of a distance with the first litter but they'd have a far closer bond with the second. Relationships were slowly being repaired but it couldn't help but feel a little like he was losing her again, and in this circumstances that seemed so rushed, it wasn't comfortable for him.

That being said he certainly wanted her to be happy, and though he tried to deny those little glances between the two young lovers, there was a part of him that could certainly seem similarities to his own youth. He'd been lost himself then, no idea what he was getting into but had gone along with it anyway. It was perhaps the only time in his life he'd felt so clueless and yet it had been wonderful falling in love with Novel and spending all of these years with her. He certainly couldn't deny his children that same joyous feeling if it truly was love.

Novel would move forth now to embrace their daughter, Dutiron however would remain stationary though it was clear his features were softening a little more now. He was still worried though with Novel so happy and his own memories now haunting him, it was certainly hard to stay angry or entirely displeased. "I suppose the only question left now then is how soon?" Would it be before the birth of Novella's children, before the birth of his and Novel's as well? He certainly didn't think his wife would feel too pleased about being stuck in the den with them whilst such big events went on outside.