
Girl On Fire

The Judge


07-19-2014, 11:24 AM

Signy v Misha for spar

Round 1

2 for clarity- -2 'chest-to-chest despite the size difference.' whats the size difference? If she's smaller does she try to raise slightly? where abouts on the chest? center, top, bottom? -2 'toward Misha's shoulders' where abouts on them? you need to be specific so its easier to visualise. -2 'aimed a bite at the side of Misha's neck as high as Signy could reach.' How high did she try to reach, near the bottom of the neck so it would be easier? -2 'side of Misha's neck' which side?

6 for powerplaying. -2 'digging motion toward Misha's shoulders' you need an attempt here. -2 'Her slight weight was thrown toward Misha' you need an attempt or it'll be assumed she was successful with throwing it toward misha.

7 for defenses. Notes

6 for attack. +2 for shove to chest +2 for scraping claws along shoulder +2 for attemped bite

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Signy Total: 31/50


0 for clarity- -2 'paws scratching the nape' where abouts on the nape? Did it cause bleeding? -2 'nip the left side of her neck' near the top or bottom? -2 'Her small jaws would scrape against the brown woman's neck' where abouts on the neck, which side? -2 'smack the pup's head with her own.' woulves cant really smack and where abouts did she try to smack? Did misha hit her with the chin? Side? Top of her head? -2 'trying to "buck" the pup off of her.' how can she buck the pup if the pups in front of her? Did she buck with her forepaws or back?

7 for powerplaying. -3 'Misha would give a hard smack to the pup's head' You cant just assume an attack was successful, this gives your opponent very little freedom.

0 for defenses. None where seen. Defenses is what protects your wolf such as: 'pinned ears, hackles raised, eyes slit etc.' if your confused feel free to pm me.

2 for attack. +2 for buck.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Misha Total: 19/50

Round 2


8 for clarity- -2 'knocked her momentarily silly' doesnt really make sense.

10 for powerplaying. None seen!

8 for defenses. Notes

3 for attack. +3 for bite

7 for injuries. -3 for hard bash to head

Round two Signy Total: 36/50


8 for clarity--2 'snap her jaw closed on Signy's scruff' where abouts on the scruff?

5 for powerplaying. -3 'snap her jaw closed on Signy's scruff' you cant assume you where successful, you need an attempt. -2 'thrashing her head around with the pup in her jaws.' you cant assume the grip was successful.

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

2 for attack. +2 for shaking head with scruff in jaws.

7 for injuries. -3 to bite to leg.

Round two Misha Total: 27/50

Round 3

5 for clarity- -3 'closed on her scruff' how deep into the scruff? Where abouts, was it enough to cause bleeding? -2 shove at Misha's left shoulder' where abouts on the shoulder?

10 for powerplaying. None seen

7 for defenses. +1 for each seen

4 for attack. +2 for shove to shoulder. +2 for attempted slash to mishas cheek.

7 for injuries. -3 for torn/ damaged scruff

Round three Signy Total: 33/50


4 for clarity- -2 'run and charge at the small pup, tackling it to the ground.' how? With her forepaws? barging? -2 'scratch Misha's cheek with her tooth,' which cheek? Where abouts?

0 for powerplaying. -3 'run and charge at the small pup, tackling it to the ground.' you dont leave much freedom for the opponent, make sure to put in an attempt or aims. -2 'Misha would stand over the pup,' you cant assume that misha was successful/ -2 'her jaws pointing out to her throat,' you cant assume this either. Put an 'attempts for her jaws to point out to her throat.' -2 She kept a paw on the pups chest,' dont limit the opponents movement with powerplay. -2 for not mentioning signy's attack to mishas shoulder.

2 for defenses. +1 for each seen.

2 for attack. +2 for tackle

8 for injuries. -2 for scratch on cheek.

Round three Misha Total: 16/50


Signy: 100/150

Misha: 62/150

And the winner is...

Signy! Misha must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Signy- Scruff will scar, minor scratches and bruising will take 2 ic weeks to heal.

Misha- Bite to leg will take 2 ooc weeks to heal, minor scratches ic week.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Nice and easy fight guys!

For Tea
Mostly good on your half, make sure to read over your posts because i had a hard time reading certain areas.

For Misha
Watch your powerplaying and make sure to include atleast 7 defenses.

- By [luisiana]