
bearing the olive branch


05-09-2013, 05:56 PM

It didn't take long for a gargantuan figure to come barreling toward them. Just what kind of hell hole had his father sent them into? The Prince bristled, shifting his center of gravity lower to the earth and simultaneously plastering his lips back to reveal ivory fangs. A low, menacing growl would begin to churn in his gut, but never had a chance to release. The man quickly apologized and the boy settled himself, surprised that he'd reacted so quickly and efficiently. Perhaps he would be a decent fighter one day. He found himself rising to his usual, comfortable height, russet coat smoothing as his muscles relaxed. The man gave a short explanation, and Maverick simply gulped and nodded - finding words were difficult to form after what had just occurred. He would murmur a simple "yes," when his identity was questioned.

He needed to act like the Prince he was supposed to be. He was the leader of this party, at least by rank, and he needed to act like it. A dip of his head was given as the man spoke of how honored Glaciem was with their presence. Slowly, Maverick felt his heart rate returning to a normal - healthy pace. He would be fine, they both would. "It's a pleasure, Gargoyle. I hope you'll forgive my staring, you're quite a sight," He hoped his comment would not be taken the wrong way, for he had meant it with the upmost respect for the Glaciem Chief. Gargoyle was just that, a sight. "A conversation would be wonderful, but please don't let me keep you from anything you need to do. I fully understand the burdens of a leader." Though he would be pleased to sit and talk with Gargoyle for most of their stay, he knew that was not practical nor logical. Still, he would love to take a bit of his time. Eyes flickered to Cynrik before the boy was positively waylaid by a multicolored woman. Insomnia. Lips would spread wide in a smile as the girl wrapped herself around him, proceeding to place a kiss upon his face.

Maverick had never in his life been embraced in such a way, but he wasn't complaining. He felt her weight pulling him down, and before he knew it he was sprawled in a heap in the snow. A chill shook his frame momentarily as he adjusted to the cold, a jubilant laugh cascading from parted jaws. "Insomnia!" With a smirk he pried himself from her grasp, lifting to his full height on all fours once more, casing a rather apologetic look at Gargoyle. Maverick knew not how he would react to such a scene. "This is Cynrik," he would utter to Insomnia, a hint of excitement still in his voice.
