
welcome to the danger zone


07-19-2014, 05:02 PM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2014, 09:00 PM by Ariette.)

She could almost feel at peace, the subtle air spinning around the atmospheric clouds; birds chirped here and there, up on head and next to her very being. Small lithe body moved with ease, the stocks of grass aligning in front of her vision. She could not see a thing. Though, she was determined as well to get out of here. The girl never liked having the fear of something jumping out at here at any moment. Pinning her ears back, the once flat earthed ground jutted up and onto a small hill. Though with some struggle she found herself having a short view above the plains. Almost there. She needed to get across. Her nerves jumbled up into one as she saw the grass sway one way; the left, away from her. Something was moving and the small girl felt as if she was in danger. Staying here forever though, would not fix a thing and she was determined to get out of here once and for all.

Lavender pools drifted across the top of the plains, fur aligned on the back of her drifting to a standing edge. Once she felt safe.. once. Swallowing swiftly, she crouched down before aiming to jump down from the hill aimlessly. Once her appendages met the earth, she stood still for a moment. All was still. All was silent. She was in the danger zone.

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