
Light Em Up!


05-09-2013, 06:45 PM

Elphaba moved languidly through the new territory. Her long, thin bodice weaving back and forth with every step she took. Her golden eyes flickered constantly, surveying, studying, memorizing, her tail hung low, curved between her legs. Thick fur shielded the hundreds of scars that adorned her flesh, making her appear a great deal less damaged than she actually was. It didn't matter, she was raised to the notion that the only beauty that existed radiated from elegant ivory fur... Elphaba possessed no such color, not a singular hair on her bodice was elegantly pale. She was a mistake, never meant to tarnish the earth with her filth... or so she had been told. Words like beauty meant nothing to her. She snorted complacently, pausing as she breeched the line of trees, approaching the fence line of the farmland with unease.

She clung to the trees of the territory when given a choice, she never liked the farmland, it was to open, to exposed. She blended with the shadows of the forest, she didn't with the overgrown grasses. An expulsion of air would escape her nostrils, she was being ridiculous. This was pack territory. With a languid movement she propelled her body out of the trees and up and over the fence line, into the open land. She stalked forward, low to the ground and forcing herself to face that what made her uneasy. fear was a weakness, one that she had learned to conquer long ago and while she wasn't trembling in its wake such exposure made her uneasy.

The sound of something heavy gliding across the ground brought her attention to the right, golden eyes widened as she gazed at the massive... well she wasn't sure what they were. Fat, spotted deer maybe? She stayed still, absolutely motionless as she surveyed them. They were grazing, nibbling on the grass. Teeth flat, on the lower jaw only, they possessed no teeth on the top. Herbivores... Elphaba relaxed and continued on, ignoring them and they returned the favor. She was perfectly content to share her space with the massive things. They didn't interrupt her and she didn't interrupt them. She doubted they would pose much of a threat lest they decide to step on her, but she was quick, she could dodge.

A loud crash caught her attention along with several of the...fat deer. her head quirked to the side, surveying the decrepit red building. The thing was in shambles, the fence completely destroyed surrounding it, but something or someone was inside it. Elphaba slowly paced towards it, her curiosity getting the better of her. Slowly she peered around the edge of the barn and stepped inside. The stalls had long since given up the ghost, large chunks of wood and metal lay scattered about the barn. An angered cry of something had Elphaba tensing and something massive and red barreled backwards. Golden eyes locked with onyx of the massive thing before her. It snorted, nostrils flaring, its head tossing impatiently, before it lowered its head, hooves scraping the earth as it pawed at the foreign debris.

Elphaba had never been known for backing away from a fight, but she had never faced something quite so massive, or with such pointed horns protruding from its skull. "Crap." The curse was spoken flat and almost inaudible and in the next second she had swerved around the fallen door of the barn and was rocketing into the field. With an angry snort and a cry of battle, the bull was hot on her heels.
