
Shall we begin?


07-19-2014, 07:18 PM

And it is the prominent roar of thunder which serves as a herald of the queen?s ominous presence, mismatched gaze of vibrant amethyst and metallic silver stagnant upon the glowering verdant gaze of her dappled acolyte as lightning illuminates her wicked features, revealing the decadent grin laden upon her dark countenance. The phantom deity is undaunted by the looming prospect of rainfall and disregards the threatening storm brewing overhead, attention entirely fixated upon Daegmar as sentiments stream from velvet lips, piquing her rare interest accordingly. She is a promising specimen { of this, the Elysius has no doubt }, portraying an ardent desire to refine her battle prowess -- all the while teeming with unsated ambition. Avid { and judgmental } pupils rove the woman?s physique in noticeable deliberation as her speech concludes, aspirations having been relayed with hopes of fulfillment. And yet, it is ultimately she { carnage QUEEN } who has the ability to grant or deny such desires; her own verdict paramount to those who chose to thrive beneath her tyrannical reign.

?If you ultimately seek a higher title --? the Elysius wraith begins, willowy limbs propelling her at a lackadaisical pace around her fervent advocate as she continues to scrutinize every curvature of sinew lathering nimble bones -- like a predator encircling her prey. ?-- I will require d e c o r a t i o n s, if you will.? Her words are slow, calculated -- every syllable clearly enunciated for effect. The aura shrouding her cryptic existence is enigmatic, the sinful smirk caressing her corrupted visage a testimony of the madness swarming beneath her collected exterior. ?This forest demands homely attention; I want to personalize it. If you would be so kind to help me gather, say: tongues, ears, eyes, tails?? At this, she pauses, aligning herself perpendicularly with Daegmar?s left side that she had once mercilessly assaulted -- yet, she harbors no incent to destroy. ?Then you will find Paladin within your grasp.? Lightning fissures the shadowed sky above, and the phantom?s pallid coat is pelted by a barrage of raindrops, though still she is unflinching as her gaze remains transfixed upon the dappled woman?s skull. She wonders if the woman will shy away from such an abhorrent task; but even so, her verdict is indisputable. ?I want three of either -- I don?t care how you obtain them, but they must be from our own kind. However, first, you will start with Mercenary; I can gift you the title, if you would be so kind as to host a battle training session alongside me.? The wraith has seen this diligent warrior in action -- she knows that she possesses that iota of competence that Elysium needs to harness for events of the future.