
Infect Me With Your Love, Fill Me With Your Poison


07-19-2014, 07:22 PM

Misha's body craved him, this was good. It meant he was not moving to fast for her. She did not show any signs of rejection and so he would proceed. They would make love and combine their bodies into one whole.

Winter gently pressed his chest against his love's rump. Warmth radiated from her body, screaming at him to love her - to give himself to her. He nipped her spine carefully, an action that would help him mount her. Winter pressed himself closer to her, combining them together in love and trust.

His breath and heart increased in speed as the moment intensified. Breathy whines of pure ecstasy escaped from his lips. He pushed his face into her beautiful pelt, taking in her beauty and aroma and nipped her slightly with his fangs upon her back. And then the moment of pure bliss and pleasure in which would attach the two together. Their bodies clinging to one another in an inescapable hold. A hold in which resembled the chains that connected their hearts. Forever in love.

His body dropped from hers, Winter still out of breath and left panting. He moved his body forward, now standing beside her and then rested his head upon her shoulders. He would then whisper to her softly Ma ch?rie - my dear, I love you more than you know.


Love Like Winter by AFI on Grooveshark