
Infect Me With Your Love, Fill Me With Your Poison


07-19-2014, 08:14 PM

Night had now consumed the final light of day and stars were born once more. Born. Winter tensed for a moment. Born - puppies. Ah, but what if this moment of love lead to her pregnancy? His princess was, without a doubt, in season the moment they mated. It frightened him. . . to death. Fear made him leave his last mate and their litter. He did not know how to be a father. Though, he knew he would have to learn - he would not leave her alone and afraid with babes at her side. No. He would be right there with her no matter what happened. He would be afraid with her.

Winter softened his look as frustration and worry laced her tone as she spoke to him. The lady did not want him to leave her and he would never.My love, we will never ever be apart. That is simply impossible. For we are always with each other - in each other's heart. While our departure is temporary, it is required of us for now. But that's just it. . . it's temporary. Soon, my dear, we will share a home together. We will be inseprable. But until then, we you are lonely or afraid, look at the stars and their light will be me watching over you and protecting you. He paused for a moment, he wanted her to come to the kingdom of the willows. It would be a wonderful life for them both and she would enjoy it, he knew she would. Oh darling. . . won't you come with me to my home of the willows? There is a kingdom of loners that help one another. It would be safe and we could always be together. Together without pack duties and pack life interfering with our time together.

Winter hoped dearly she would come home with him. Her life would be worry free and without pack drama. She would not be a puppet and she would be with her love. And puppies - if puppies were to come in the picture they would have a beautiful home and a wonderful family to watch over them. Misha what if. . . He paused before continuing. Do you think that, umm. . . Winter huffed a sigh. He was unsure how to bring up the subject. Winter then rested his frame upon the sand, tired from today's adventure. Join me, please. Let us be happy in this moment. We will figure it all out. I promise.


Love Like Winter by AFI on Grooveshark